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10 Best Life-Changing and Inspirational Books for Women

Updated: Feb 3

Inspirational books to uplift and empower women.

Discover the top 10 motivational books written by powerful women and filled with life-changing magic.

cozy white blanket for women with book and coffee mug
Get Cozy And Read A Book

These empowering books will enhance your personal life and professional career alike, by boosting your self-confidence, self-compassion, and self-care, while showing you how to live your best life!

So buckle up, we're about to take a thrilling ride into the empowering world of literature! Get ready to be enriched, encouraged, and enlightened by an incredible selection of books that will leave you feeling like a total badass. We've handpicked these gems to celebrate and uplift all of you phenomenal, strong women out there!

From memoirs of fierce women who've conquered mountains of challenges to self help books that'll ignite that unstoppable fire within, we've got it all covered. You'll find stories that resonate with every aspect of your life, whether you're navigating a career, nurturing relationships, or on a journey of self-discovery.

Let these books be your trusty sidekicks, cheering you on as you embrace your inner power, seize opportunities, and conquer your dreams. We firmly believe that words have the power to transform lives, and these books are a testament to that.

So grab your favorite beverage, find a cozy spot, and prepare to be blown away by the wisdom, inspiration, and raw authenticity that awaits you.

Let's dive in together, supporting and empowering each other on this incredible literary adventure! You won't be disappointed, and you might just discover a newfound strength that'll fuel you to achieve greatness. Let's rock this, ladies!

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1. "You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero kicks off our reading list of self help books for women.

Are you ready to boost your self esteem and create your own happiness?

First things first, Jen starts things off with a dose of self-love, self help, and empowerment. Jen Sincero's book is brimming with badass, positive affirmations, that will fire you up, boost your confidence, and remind you that you're capable of achieving anything you set your mind to!

"You Are a Badass" is a powerful reminder that it's never too late to start living the awesome life you've dreamed of. Whether you need a stagnant career change, a healthier lifestyle, a deeper connection with people, or simply time to rediscover your passions, this profound book inspires embracing the journey towards a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

So, if you're ready to ditch the self-doubt, silence the negativity, and boldly set out on your journey of self-discovery and success, then "You Are a Badass" is your guide to making it happen. Jen Sincero's unapologetic enthusiasm and practical wisdom will ignite the fires inside of you that motivate you towards a life that's not just good, but totally badass!

The ultimate read in motivational books for women.

Feeling stuck? Struggling with confidence? Want to level up your career? Have you been asking, what is the best book to stay motivated? If so, you're hunt has paid off.

"The 5 Second Rule" has got your back, girlfriend! It's like a shot of courage that'll light up your fire and get you moving forward, no matter what.

The "5 Second Rule" is an insanely motivating book packed with practical, great advice that you can start applying today, this is the one you need!

This book is like a turbo boost for your life, giving you the guts to face your fears, make bold moves, and rock your world!

Mel Robbins drops a game-changing idea on us – it's called the 5-second rule. It's not about picking up food off the floor, no! This rule is all about taking action and changing your life in just five seconds. How crazy cool is that?

With real-life stories and down-to-earth examples, Robbins keeps it relatable and feels like she's your new best friend cheering you on. You can apply her practical tips easily, no matter where you're at in life.

In a world where we're all about girl power and smashing goals, this book is a total game-changer. It'll push you to overcome doubts, crush those fears, and go after what you want in life.

So don't wait! Grab a copy of "The 5 Second Rule" and get ready to unleash your inner superhero. It's time to kick fear to the curb, embrace your awesomeness, and tackle life like a boss! You'll feel empowered, inspired, and ready to take on the world like the fierce woman you are!

You can find more inspirational books for women by Mel Robbins here. She has been one of the most influential women in the self help genre for years.

Bask in this joyful coloring book full of inspirational quotes for women

This book is like a burst of sunshine, bringing joy and motivation to your life in the most colorful way possible!

Inside these pages, you'll find a delightful collection of uplifting quotes that'll brighten your mood and boost your confidence. And the best part? You get to unleash your inner artist while you're at it!

Grab those markers, crayons, or colored pencils, and let your creativity run wild.

This coloring book is not just for fun (although it's seriously fun!), it's designed to sprinkle a bit of magic into your day. Whenever you're feeling down or in need of a pick-me-up, flip open to any page, and let those positive vibes sink in.

The quotes are specially handpicked to resonate with women of all ages, reminding you that you're strong, capable, and amazing. It's like having a cheerleader in book form, boosting your spirits and reminding you how awesome you truly are!

Whether you're coloring solo to unwind or having a girls' night coloring party, this book is a mood-boosting treasure full of inspirational quotes. It's perfect for a little "me time" or as a thoughtful gift to someone special who could use a dash of encouragement.

So, let's get coloring and spread those good vibes! Remember, you're awesome, and this coloring book is here to remind you of that in the most colorful and inspiring way possible!

Nothing beats reading an inspirational book cozy-style cozy blanket for women reading book with coffee and snuggly socks snowy

4. "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert is the book to grab if you have been asking 'what is a good inspiration book'?

"Eat, Pray, Love"'s author, Elizabeth Gilbert, has delivered again

Elizabeth Gilbert is the same brilliant mind that brought us "Eat, Pray, Love", and this time she is back with another inspirational book for women that will help you bask in the creative life that you have only imagined for too long.

In "Big Magic," Gilbert takes us on a thrilling journey into the world of creativity, urging us to embrace our inner curiosity and fearlessly pursue our passions. She shares stories of her adventures in life and creativity, sprinkled with her signature wit and wisdom.

This book is like a sparkly potion that breaks down the barriers holding you back from embracing your creativity. Gilbert's words are like magic spells, unlocking your imagination and creative process, setting it free to dance with inspiration.

You'll learn to let go of perfectionism, self doubt, and the fear of failure. Instead, you'll welcome creativity with open arms, daring to create for the sheer joy of it, without worrying about judgment or success.

"Big Magic" is like a treasure trove of valuable insights and practical tips to nurture your creative soul. Whether you're an artist, writer, dancer, or simply someone seeking to infuse magic into everyday life, this book is a game-changer.

So, grab a copy and get ready for a wild ride through the realms of creativity. Gilbert's "Big Magic" will leave you feeling empowered, inspired, and ready to embrace the enchanting journey of creativity that lies ahead. Trust us, this book is pure magic!

Women Braving the Wilderness powerful woman brave and happy in wilderness

5. "Braving the Wilderness" by Brené Brown.

Brown is one of the top authors of inspirational books for women

If you have been looking for motivational books, this is a must-read for women. In "Braving the Wilderness," the acclaimed researcher and bestselling author, Brown, takes readers on an insightful and courageous journey into the wilderness of belonging, self worth, care, vulnerability, and human connection.

Drawing from her life's work of researching vulnerability, courage, shame, and empathy, Brown delivers a thought-provoking and compassionate exploration of what it truly means to belong, to be authentic, and to find the courage to stand alone while staying connected.

At the core of "Braving the Wilderness" lies the profound exploration of human belonging. Brown challenges conventional beliefs about fitting in and belonging, revealing how true belonging begins with accepting and embracing our authentic selves as women, even when it means standing apart from the crowd.

If you are ready to explore the idea of belonging to yourself first, and then creating authentic connections while standing strong in your place of uniqueness, this is the book for you!

If you are not familiar with Brené Brown, check out her other compelling works of art directly addressing such subjects as Shame, Mindfulness, Imperfections, Discipline, Leadership and so much more. She truly cares about the human soul, and her books reflect that page after page.

6. "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin

A journey of self-discovery leading the awesome life you deserve

"The Happiness Project" is an inspiring read engaging exploration of one woman's quest to discover the true meaning of happiness and how to cultivate a more joyful and fulfilling life.

In this practical yet thought-provoking memoir, Rubin takes readers on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering the equally important secrets to happiness through everyday moments, positive thinking, and small, mindful changes.

If you are feeling stuck in the routines of daily life and desire greater happiness, Gretchen Rubin identifies key areas of life that can be transformed to bring about a deeper sense of contentment and joy.

Throughout the book, Gretchen prioritizes happiness and shares her insights from personal experience and struggles with humor, honesty, and relatability. She provides practical and actionable strategies and experiments that readers can apply to their own lives starting today!

"The Happiness Project" is not about chasing constant euphoria or seeking fortune and fame. Instead, it's about finding happiness in everyday moments and embracing small joys, fostering gratitude, and cultivating a sense of mindfulness in the present moment. Rubin shows readers that the journey to happiness is a series of intentional choices that lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Your happiness is non-negotiable. You have one life and you deserve to live it happily. This book can be your guide to creating a life that sparkles with joy.

Get out your favorite beverage, curl up with soft pillows and comfy clothes, while you follow Gretchen Rubin's journey to discover simple, actionable ways to boost your happiness, and find contentment in the little things.

Inspirational Books for Women coffee cup

7. "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg

The ultimate power-up you need!

This book is a game-changer, brought to you by the extraordinary COO of Facebook herself.

In "Lean In," Sandberg fearlessly tackles the challenges that women face in the workplace, offering invaluable insights and practical advice to help you shatter those glass ceilings. She shares her own experiences and those of other successful women, making you feel like you're having a heart-to-heart with a mentor who's got your back.

This book is like a secret weapon for navigating the corporate world and breaking through barriers that hold you back. Sandberg encourages you to lean in, speak up, and claim the opportunities you deserve, without holding back or feeling guilty.

You'll find yourself nodding along to the relatable anecdotes and nodding even harder when you realize that you, too, can make a massive impact in your career and beyond.

"Lean In" is more than just a book; it's a movement empowering women that inspires you to take charge of your success. You'll learn to embrace your ambitions unapologetically, supporting and empowering other women along the way.

So, if you're ready to take charge and soar to new heights, "Lean In" is your go-to guide for conquering the world with grace and grit. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and equipped with the tools to make your mark and lead with confidence. It's time to lean in and own your greatness!

8. "Why Not Me?" by Mindy Kaling.

Ladies slaying it out there on your own, this one is for you!

In "Why Not Me?", the witty and relatable actress, writer, and comedian, invites women readers on a hilarious and candid journey through the highs and lows of life, love, and pursuing dreams.

Bursting with charm and humor, this delightful collection of personal essays offers an empowering and refreshing perspective on embracing singlehood, pursuing passions, and celebrating the beauty of being unapologetically oneself.

As a woman navigating the complexities of modern life, readers will find a kindred spirit in Mindy Kaling. With her signature blend of wit and vulnerability, she opens up about her very own life experiences, insecurities, and triumphs, reminding single women that they are not alone in their journey and that embracing their unique path is perfectly okay.

"Why Not Me?" celebrates the joys and adventures of single life, debunking the societal pressure to conform to traditional relationship norms. Mindy's stories about dating escapades, friendship dynamics, and professional successes showcase the boundless potential and excitement that single women can experience when they fearlessly pursue their dreams and passions.

"Why Not Me?" is a heartwarming and entertaining guide—a celebration of authenticity, ambition, and the power of resilience. Mindy's humor and candor create a safe space where single women can find reassurance, laughter, and inspiration to embrace their singlehood with pride and joy.

wild and free women brave woman hiking alone
We are Wild and Free Women!

9. "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed. Are you ready for an exhilarating adventure?

Buckle up for this must read!

"Wild" by Cheryl Strayed is the ultimate soul-stirring memoir that will take you on a transformative journey of self-discovery, resilience overcoming self doubt, and newfound empowerment to create your best life.

Follow Cheryl as she embarks on a daring solo hike along the Pacific Crest Trail, seeking solace and healing after a series of life's curveballs. This gutsy, no-nonsense storyteller shares her triumphs and struggles, reminding us that life's challenges can be the perfect catalysts for growth.

"Wild" resonates with our fierce independence and unbreakable spirit. Cheryl's brave

trek through the wilderness is full of unexpected twists and breathtaking moments.

You'll laugh, cry, and cheer for Cheryl as she pushes herself to the limits, conquering fears and embracing the freedom of solo exploration. Her raw and candid reflections will remind you that it's okay to feel lost sometimes; it's all part of the adventure.

"Wild" is more than a hiking memoir; it's a powerful testament to the strength that lies within each of us. As single women, we'll discover that our journey is a beautiful tapestry of experiences, paving the way for self-discovery and newfound self-love.

So grab your hiking boots (or maybe just some comfy slippers), and immerse yourself in this captivating tale of courage, resilience, and the wild spirit that defines the single woman's journey.

"Wild" is a book that will leave you inspired to embrace the unpredictable path ahead and empowered to conquer every obstacle that comes your way. Fellow wild women, let's embark on this one together!

10. "Year of Yes" by Shonda Rhimes

Let's head on over to Shondaland!

Get ready to say YES to life like never before with "Year of Yes" by the amazing Shonda Rhimes. This book is your ticket to an extraordinary year filled with empowerment, self-discovery, and unapologetic awesomeness!

You know Shonda Rhimes, the powerhouse behind your favorite TV shows like Grey's Anatomy and Scandal? Well, she's here to share her journey of saying YES to everything that scared her, and boy, does it inspire!

Join Shonda as she takes you on a rollercoaster ride through her "Year of Yes," where she decides to challenge her fears, insecurities, and doubts head-on. From public speaking to social events, "Year of Yes" is a must read where she confronts it all, showing us that saying YES can unlock a world of opportunities.

As women, we sometimes hesitate to step out of our comfort zones, but Shonda reminds us that it's okay to embrace vulnerability and take chances. Her witty and relatable storytelling will have you laughing, crying, and nodding your head in agreement, as she dishes out some serious life wisdom.

"Year of Yes" is not just about Shonda's journey—it's an invitation for you to embark on your year of YES! Embrace your uniqueness, tackle your fears, and celebrate the power of being single and independent.

Who needs a partner to have an epic adventure, right? With Shonda as your fearless guide, you'll be inspired to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Whether it's conquering new challenges, chasing dreams, or simply being unapologetically yourself, "Year of Yes" is a reminder that life's magic happens when we embrace the unknown.

So, ladies, let's make this the "Year of Yes" for all of us! Get ready to say YES to new experiences, YES to personal growth, and YES to living life on your terms. Say it loud and proud: "YES, I'm a single woman, and I'm ready to take on the world!" Let's do this together! 💪🎉🌟

women books motivational reading with glasses and coffee

There you have it, friends! These ten empowering books by these influential women are your ultimate companions on your journey of self-discovery, growth, and celebration of the fabulous woman you are.

Embrace your uniqueness with confidence and know that TODAY your life is full of infinite possibilities. So, go ahead, turn the pages in your favorite comfy clothes, and let these books empower you to live your best life like never before! 🌟

Summary With Links for Inspirational Books for Women

  1. "You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero - Boost your self-esteem and create your own happiness with this empowering guide.

  2. "The 5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins - Discover the power of taking action and transform your life with everyday courage.

  3. "You're Awesome: Coloring Book of Inspirational Quotes" - Unleash your creativity and positivity with this joyful coloring book.

  4. "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert - Embrace your creativity and live a life of inspiration and magic.

  5. "Braving the Wilderness" by Brené Brown - Discover the courage to stand alone and belong to yourself first.

  6. "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin - Cultivate a more joyful and fulfilling life with practical strategies.

  7. "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg - Shatter glass ceilings and seize opportunities in the workplace.

  8. "Why Not Me?" by Mindy Kaling - Embrace singlehood and pursue your passions with humor and authenticity.

  9. "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed - Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and resilience.

  10. "Year of Yes" by Shonda Rhimes - Say YES to life and embrace new opportunities with fearlessness.

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